"What do we desire when we look at beauty? To be beautiful ourselves. We imagine that beauty carries with it great happiness, but this is a mistake." --Nietzsche

9 Reasons To Buy Books From DK

  1. In DK, owning good books does not mean you have to spend much money. Book price ranges from PhP 60.00 to PhP 190.00, including hardbound books.
  2. While most secondhand bookstores are several traffic hours away, DK lets you browse our selections through the net, even if you're at home or while working in the office.
  3. DK sells only good (and mostly rare) literary and general interest titles. You can find the popular ones somewhere else.
  4. You can reserve books for one week, and pick them up on your own assigned date.
  5. You can browse our DK shelf when you get your reserved books, and instantly add other books in your to-buy list.
  6. DK allows you to request for books, and we hunt them for you.
  7. DK gives away a free classic book of your choice for every: a) PhP 500.00 single purchase, or b) PhP 1,000.00 cumulative purchases.
  8. You want to give DK a try, and see if it's for real.
  9. You are one of my 700+ friendsters, and you love books.